7 Habits for Healthy Teeth

Bradenton Florida dentist

7 Habits for Healthy Teeth

Bradenton, Florida, dentist Dr. Tiffany Boyd always has her patients’ back no matter how small or big the problem is. You have a concern – she has the answer every time you visit her. You’ll walk away with healthy teeth, a big smile and tons of advice of how to better take care of your teeth. Her best advice is always prevention. Correct hygiene and good habits are the way to go.

When it comes to the best habits for good dental health, what does our Bradenton dentist recommend? 

  1. Floss, floss, floss. It takes only a few seconds, but you will get the benefits for a lifetime.
  2. Always brush your teeth before going to bed. Bacteria collect in your mouth during the day. Don’t take them to bed with you! Brushing and flossing before bed will leave you with a clean, healthy mouth. 
  3. Use the right toothbrush. A soft brush is the best choice to keep your gums and enamel healthy.
  4. Toothpaste is important. Always choose a toothpaste that has fluoride. It fights tooth decay like no one’s business. And that’s what you need.
  5. Make mouthwash a part of your nighttime routine. Remember those bacteria that have been collecting in your mouth during the day? Mouthwash helps kill that bacteria in areas that are difficult to brush and makes your mouth even cleaner. 
  6. Eat less sugar. Sugar turns into acid in your mouth, and that harms the enamel on your teeth. If you can’t live without sweets, brush your teeth, use mouthwash, or at the very least drink water every time you eat candy or drink that macchiato. 
  7. Consume more fresh fruits and vegetables. You need to exercise your body for health. And the same goes for your teeth and gums. They need some workouts to be in the best shape. Fruits like apples or vegetables like carrots are great for that.
  8. And last but not least, see your dentist twice a year. Regular checkups and cleaning will keep you smiling.

Dr. Tiffany Boyd, one of the highest rated dentists in Bradenton, Florida, can help make sure your smile never fades. Just give the team at her Bradenton dental office a call at 941-253-5220.

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